Letting the poison in

Liedje over drankzucht. Dit is de tekst:

Letting the poison in

just when I think I’m getting over it
just when I think I’m doing a little better
desire and lust come creeping into my mind
and I’m getting ready to let the poison in

I’m losing my money
in a poison deal
I’m wasting my future life
with wounds that will never heal
I’m throwing away my good perspectives
in a ball of hate and sin
I’m burning the bridges to the good world
and I’m ready to let the poison in

everytime I find myself ready and willing
to change my evil ways
I know it’s just a matter of time
before I’ll be living new bad days

if only I could be a little stronger
if only I would never change my mind
I wouldn’t find myself prowling the streets
I wouldn’t find myself letting the poison in

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