Sick and tired

Nummer uit 1991. Ja, toen was ik al geboren. Wat zeg ik? Ik was al, even rekenen, 25 jaar oud.

De tekst:


misery all over the world
doesn’t evoke too many good feelings
and of one thing you can be sure
all those miserable happenings will
one day be found in your front lawn
your eyes will meet the madness
cos that is the fate of man

we had been seeing it on television
for almost all our lives, I’d say
but never did it come to my mind
that you were going to be treated that way
burdened by a sense of guilt
I want to take you far away
no longer bound by an evil spell
no longer treated like a kind of trade

I’ve seen you sick, I’ve seen you tired
you had to go down every night
wasting all that you had
just to end up sick and tired

Het muziekje:

En de clip:



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